Ronde Klippies (Round Stones)

This fishing spot is just to the west of the favorite Otterbaai.  At low tide a ridge can be seen stretching into the sea.  Walk out onto this ridge and start from the end working back as the sea progresses to high tide.

Galjoen, Blacktail, Karanteen (Strepie) and Zebra can be caught here.

Best baits are Red-bait, white mussel and worms.

The water has to be foamy and that usually only happens after the South-easterly wind have been blowing for a while.

The trick of this site not to cast too far as the Galjoen comes right to the waters edge to grab a piece of bait.  The drawback is that a lot of sinkers (weights) are lost because the area is so rocky.

This has to be my absolute favorite spot for Galjoen.


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Last modified: January 15, 2020